Coverage and Structure of the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe


Person-Related Articles

Person-Related Articles look at selected individuals, not just to give information on their life, thought and works, but specifically for their nodal function, as “go-betweens”. What formative influences did they experience? How were they placed, as connective intermediaries, between the fields of culture and politics, or between different media in the cultivation of culture, or between different cultural communities? What influence did they exercise in their wider  afterlife as objects of cultivation, e.g. as national icons in statues, on banknotes or postage stamps?

In view of this connectivity focus, users are invited to take note, not just of the article text, but also of its ramifications and entanglements in other portions of ERNiE. Among the Relational Tabs, special attention is drawn to the “Geo-footprint” and “Network position” tabs. The latter visualizes the posion of the article in ERNiE as a whole through its hyperlinks (first-order, i.e. direct hyperlinks, and second-order ones, i.e. the links in those items that the article links to). The former visualizes the places associated with a person through first- and second-order hyperlinks.