SPIN’s flagship project is the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (ERNiE) It is available in book form and online as a freely available open-access web resource.
The web resource can be freely consulted at http://ernie.uva.nl and at http://ernie.nise.eu. The ERNiE database is managed by Stefan Poland, who also designed many of its online network visualizations.
The 2-volume, 1500-page book, published by Amsterdam University Press, is available from regular booksellers.
ERNiE contains analytical articles on themes and persons, as well as historical documentation (Letters, Writings, Images, Music etc.), tracing and visualizing the transnational rise of national culture-building in 19th-century Europe.These articles and materials cover manifestations of Romantic Nationalism in Europe during the long 19th century.
While European in focus, ERNiE’s coverage is as comprehensive as possible and firmly transnational: what ERNiE hopes to make visible is not only the great mass, social penetration and mobilizing agency of individual cultural actions, gestures and developments within different countries, but also their cross-national (as well as intermedial) connections and interrelations. ERNiE wishes to draw attention to culture not only as the intellectual and artistic ambitience which made nationalism, as an ideology, thinkable and attractive, but above all as the communicative medium which rendered a transnational diffusion of nationalism possible.
A brochure (from 2015) can be viewed/downloaded here.
An online user’s manual can be found here.