ERNiE now online

CORE Admin

SPIN is proud to announce that the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism is now publicly online at

Over the last five years SPIN has been preparing, with the help of hundreds of scholars in dozens of countries, the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe (ERNiE). ERNiE is intended as a resource for the comparative-historical study of national movements, in particular in the century between Napoleon and the Paris Peace Conference.


ERNiE foregrounds the importance of culture, both as a stimulus and as a platform for national consciousness-raising. The cultural fields covered by ERNiE range from language policies to visual arts, from folklore to the historical novel and from music and commemorative festivals to architecture and design.


In highlighting the agency of cultural activism in national movements, ERNiE also aims to show how these cultural activities, rather than being separate phenomena in different countries, were part of, and inspired by, transnational vogues sweeping across Europe in the wake of Romanticism. While affecting different nationalities in different ways, these cultural currents also formed a transnational mode of exchange and a communicative medium for cross-border influences between national movements.


In its organization, ERNiE is different from traditional encyclopedias. Rather than dividing its contents over an A-Z list of separate headword-entries, it aims to make connections visible - connections within and between countries, connections within and between different cutural fields and media, connections between historical actors and between the articles in the encyclopedia itself. These articles are arranged in a thematic matrix setting some 40 cultural currents off against some 50 European nationalities (cultural communities); the articles themelves are heavily hyperlinked and network-visualized in order to highlight their connectedness in these European developments, and come with an extensive repertory of online documentary materials, from writings and paintings to statues, realia and sound fragments.


SPIN is indebted to the many colleagues who through their generous collaboration have helped make ERNiE possible and who are still helping to complete its coverage. SPIN is happy to make ERNiE available to the international research community as an open-access research resource, free of charge. More on ERNiE, including a user’s manual, on

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Schlegel letters visualized


Our colleagues in Germany who have prepared a fine online edition of the correspondence of A.W. Schlegel — — have kindly allowed us acccess to the metadata of this corpus (5300 letters). Stefan Poland has ingested these into the ERNiE interface and the ERNiE network visualization is now online. A geographical visualization can be found at and a social visualization can be found at .

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Bibliography of Romantic Nationalism now online

A searchable Bibliography of Romantic Nationalism has come online on the ERNiE website ( At present it contains 4700 titles; we shall be expanding it further in the months ahead. Like ERNiE itself, the bibliography is in the form of an online database. It is searchable by cultural community and/or by cultural current, or browsable by keyword, allowing users to filter for specific subsets that are useful for their research interests.
Clicking a title in the bibliographical list brings up a publication’s full data in formatted form, and allows you to identify (under the "references" tab) to which ERNiE article(s) this publication is linked.
The Bibliography also includes two newly added features:

  • a sorting button allows you to sort the search results list according to your preferences (using author, year, cultural current and/or cultural community as primary, secondary etc.sorting criteria)
  • a download button will export the search results in .ODT format - a formatted text file format which can be openend in all current word processing software on all operating systems.
  • Full instructions are in the ERNiE Users’ Manual on this site.

We have given the Bibliography its own URL, which we hope the research community will find useful:
We are grateful for suggestions for completing the bibliography’s coverage. Please use the feedback form on this site.

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CfP conference "Religious Dimensions of Nationalism", Venice, November 2020

SPIN will co-organize a conference on “Religious Dimensions of Nationalism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives”, to be held 26-28 November 2020 in Venice at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini. Nationalism and religion are deeply entangled, not only in the crossover field of “political / secular religion” but by way of charismatic leadership, prophetism, messianism, millennialism, and more generally mysticism, esotericism and alternative spirituality. The concept of a divine covenant with a “chosen people” takes new shapes in nationalist, but also imperialist and colonialist, discourses. And the global spread of nationalism, and its role in the decolonization process, is often far from merely secular; indeed alliances with religious fundamentalism are now a prominent feature.
The conference aims at bringing together scholars coming from different disciplines who are interested in this entangled relationship. The full Call for Papers is online here.

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