Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe

CORE Admin

Outline now online

The Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, or ERNiE for short, SPIN's core project, has now been definitively conceptualized. A PDF brochure detailing scope and structure has been placed online. It can be found on this website both both under "Documents" and under "Aims/Remit" > Core Project.[....]

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Overview past SPIN workshops

CORE Admin

Spin has hosted and/or co-organized various workshops over the last years. Below you will find an overview of these gatherings, their scientific programmes and output if available.


Workshop [[download file="2012-05/programme-plan.pdf" icon="" text="Liberalisme, romanticism, nationalism. Towards a comparative vision of 19th century European cultural-political thought" title="" ]], Amsterdam 26-27 November 2009[....]

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Collegium Budapest and SPIN agree on research cooperation

CORE Admin

Collegium Budapest (the Hungarian Institute for  Advanced Studies) which is at present condicting a large project on  "Medievalism, archaic origins and regimes of historicity:  Alternatives to  antique tradition in the nineteenth century in east-central, southeast and  northern Europe" has agreed to explore possibilities for future cooperation with  SPIN so as to bring further relevant topics and researchers from more European  countries into this field of research. For more on the Collgium Budapest  project, see under "Links".

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Verhandlungen der Germanisten (1846 and 1847) to be made available on-line

CORE Admin

SPIN is planning to place the proceedings of the two conferences organized by Jacob Grimm in 1846 and 1847 online. These conferences are well known as point of intersection between the world oif learning and pre-1848 politics. many of the participants were delegates in the Frankfurt Parliament of 1848, and national politics were vehemently discussed on these occasions. The digitization will be a joint project with the Amsterdam University Library and (possibly) other partners.

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Participations in funding applications for FP 7 en HERA

CORE Admin

SPIN is a participating partner in consortia that have tendered, or are about to tender, applications to the Framework Programme 7 and to the HERA research initiative More details will be posted as these proposals make their way (successfully, it is hoped) through the selection process.

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